You can think of the data model as a description of Python as a framework. It formalizes the interfaces of the building blocks of the language itself, such as sequences, iterators, functions, classes, context managers, and so on.
A Pythonic Card Deck Special methods: __getitem__
and __len__
import collectionsCard = collections.namedtuple('Card' , ['rank' , 'suit' ]) class FrenchDeck : ranks = [str(n) for n in range(2 , 11 )] + list('JQKA' ) suits = 'spades diamonds clubs hearts' .split() def __init__ (self) : self._cards = [Card(rank, suit) for suit in self.suits for rank in self.ranks] def __len__ (self) : return len(self._cards) def __getitem__ (self, position) : return self._cards[position]
can be used to build classes of objects that are just bundles of attributes with no custom methods.
beer_card = Card('7' , 'diamonds' ) beer_card
Card(rank='7', suit='diamonds')
function returns the number of cards in it.
deck = FrenchDeck() len(deck)
index operation, provided by __getitem__
Card(rank='2', suit='spades')
Card(rank='A', suit='hearts')
Get a random item from a sequence
from random import choicechoice(deck)
Card(rank='7', suit='spades')
Card(rank='10', suit='hearts')
Slicing support, because __getitem__
delegates to the [] oeprator of self._cards
[Card(rank='2' , suit='spades' ), Card(rank='3' , suit='spades' ), Card(rank='4' , suit='spades' )]
[Card(rank='A' , suit='spades' ), Card(rank='A' , suit='diamonds' ), Card(rank='A' , suit='clubs' ), Card(rank='A' , suit='hearts' )]
method make the deck iterable
for card in deck: print(card)
Card(rank='2' , suit='spades' ) Card(rank='3' , suit='spades' ) Card(rank='4' , suit='spades' ) ...
Iterated in reverse
for card in reversed(deck): print(card)
Card(rank='A' , suit='hearts' ) Card(rank='K' , suit='hearts' ) Card(rank='Q' , suit='hearts' ) ...
If a collection has no __contains__
, the in
oeprator does a sequential scan.
Card('Q' , 'hearts' ) in deck
Card('7' , 'beasts' ) in deck
suit_values = dict(spades=3 , hearts=2 , diamonds=1 , clubs=0 ) def spades_high (card) : rank_value = FrenchDeck.ranks.index(card.rank) return rank_value * len(suit_values) + suit_values[card.suit] for card in sorted(deck, key=spades_high): print(card)
Card(rank='2' , suit='clubs' ) Card(rank='2' , suit='diamonds' ) Card(rank='2' , suit='hearts' ) Card(rank='2' , suit='spades' ) ... Card(rank='A' , suit='clubs' ) Card(rank='A' , suit='diamonds' ) Card(rank='A' , suit='hearts' ) Card(rank='A' , suit='spades' )